Varicose veins.
Usually when these words are used, people imagine thick, twisted vessels entangling their legs. However, this is just the most famous sign of pathology. There are others.
Sometimes varicose veins only cause cosmetic discomfort, but some of the symptoms of varicose veins have a direct impact on quality of life. For example, many have pain in the veins in their legs. Basically, the sensations are mild, but in rare cases even an ordinary walk becomes painful.
Therefore, a little later we will talk about pain with varicose veins. About the reasons and how to deal with them.
But let's talk first about the disease itself: about the mechanism of development, risk factors and complications.
So the blood flows through the arteries from the heart to the organs and tissues, where it supplies oxygen and nutrients. The blood flow returns through the veins.
It is particularly difficult for the blood to flow through the venous system of the legs, as it almost always has to rise straight up from the feet.
She's in the way of gravity.
Some of the blood flows down and collects in the vessels. As a result, the veins expand and their walls expand too much. Overfilled vessels are visible on the skin.
In healthy people, the blood flow is prevented by a protective mechanism - the venous valves. This is the name of the membranes in the vessels. They catch the flowing blood and return it to the bloodstream. However, for many people this system does not work properly.
For various reasons, the valves are sometimes weakened or injured, making the veins more likely to overflow. This is how varicose veins occur.
The following factors increase the risk of varicose veins
- Genetic predisposition. . . Scientists have not yet figured out why some people are born with weakened venous valves. But this fact is confirmed. If both parents suffer from swollen blood vessels, there is a 90% chance that their child will inherit this pathology.
- Older age. . . The body gradually fades. The eyes see worse, the skin dries out. Aging also affects the valve system, which becomes more fragile and weaker. Therefore, people over the age of 60 often develop varicose veins - worn valves simply cannot withstand the stress of flowing blood.
- Obesity. . . The amount of blood in humans is not the same. First of all, it is affected by body weight - the greater the mass, the greater the volume of blood in the body. Unfortunately, the weight gain does not strengthen the valves. You are forced to withstand the excess pressure of a large amount of blood, which increases the likelihood of veins overflowing.
- pregnancy. . . The body of expectant mothers is exposed to great stress. For many reasons. Pressure on the valves increases due to an increase in the amount of blood, hormonal imbalance, and the effect on large vessels. We have already talked about the influence of blood. Changes in hormone levels affect the elasticity of the vein walls, making them easy to stretch, but slowly returning to their original state. The baby grows alongside large veins. Sometimes the fetus pinches them. In such cases, the lumen of the vessels decreases and the body increases the pressure in the veins to push the blood upwards. Therefore, the load on the valves increases.
- Prolonged immobility while sitting or standing. . . When you walk, your leg muscles help blood vessels pump blood to the heart. They contract and narrow the veins. This pushes the blood upwards. If the legs are motionless, the muscle pump does not work, so the entire load falls on the veins and the valve system.
As you can see, some factors are related to natural processes while others are lifestyle related. But the results are the same.
Varicose veins cause many symptoms:
- Tiredness and heaviness in the legs
- Spider-like or tree-like web of dilated veins
- Burning and itching
- cramps
- edema
- Pain when walking after long immobility
- Discoloration of the skin
- Twisted thick vessels
Varicose veins develop slowly.
Doctors even distinguish him from stage zero, when no external signs have yet appeared, but the problem with the venous valves has already appeared.
Usually, patients experience heaviness in their legs first, then others add to this problem. The severity of the symptoms also changes. In the early stages, the signs of pathology intensify in the evening and disappear in the morning. If the disease is advanced, they last the whole day.
But persistent bothersome symptoms are not the main danger in terminal stages of varicose veins.
Complications can occur in patients:
- Bleeding. . . Breakthrough of swollen subcutaneous vessels. In rare cases, the fragile walls of diseased veins cannot withstand the pressure and a bleeding wound occurs. Such damage is difficult to repair. Therefore, urgent medical attention is required.
- Thrombosis and embolism. . . Because of poor blood circulation, blood clots, dense blood clots, often accumulate in the enlarged vessels. They occlude the lumen of the veins. Sometimes fragments of blood clots break off and get into the bloodstream, and then they can get stuck in the vessels of the lungs. This phenomenon is called an embolism. Breathing sometimes stops during this.
- Trophic ulcers. . . Due to lack of oxygen, tissues near diseased veins gradually die, and non-healing wounds appear in their place. It is very difficult to heal ulcers. You are at high risk of relapse.
Fortunately, complications from varicose veins only occur in a few patients - trophic ulcers in 6%, and bleeding and embolism are even less common.
As you can see, without treatment, sometimes the pathology causes great inconvenience. And it can even destroy a person.
Therefore, it is recommended to consult a phlebologist for any of its symptoms. Even if the veins hurt. In order to respond to this threat in a timely manner, it is advisable to understand the reasons for the appearance of such a symptom.
What causes severe pain in varicose veins?
In most cases, people with varicose veins do not experience severe pain. Only with sudden movements. For example, when they get back on their feet after a long immobility.
But constant severe pain torments patients, usually in the later stages of the pathology. Quite simply because at this point all the symptoms of the disease intensify and do not go away even at night.
What causes the veins in the legs to hurt?
Mainly due to a lack of oxygen. The dilated vessels do not supply neighboring tissue well, which can lead to unpleasant sensations.
Another cause of pain is trophic ulcers. These non-healing wounds are painful to the touch, which means that even slight contact with clothing can cause severe discomfort.
Pain in the leg with varicose veins can be a sign of thrombophlebitis. This is the name of a pathology in which blood clots form in the inflamed veins.
Sum up.
When mild pain in the dilated arteries is a standard symptom, it rarely becomes worse. In the later stages of the pathology. With trophic ulcers and thrombophlebitis.
Therefore, if the swollen veins hurt a lot, it indicates the rapid development of the disease. In such a situation, you should immediately consult a doctor. Although many people postpone going to the vascular specialist and try to get rid of the symptoms on their own.
How to get rid of severe vein pain with varicose veins?
Heaviness in the legs, slight swelling and other mild pathological symptoms can be relieved by simple methods - a contrast shower, some types of massage. However, this does not help with developed varicose veins.
If the veins in the legs are very sore, a late visit to a phlebologist will only worsen the condition of the vessels. There is no point in enduring such agony.
Timely treatment of varicose veins eliminates irritating symptoms and prevents complications. Therefore, choose a reliable clinic and make an appointment with a doctor. An exam will help your veins with over hundreds of folk recipes.
What treatment is prescribed if you have severe pain with varicose veins?
First, the doctor will examine the blood vessels. He will do an ultrasound scan of the veins and find out the cause of the pain. Only then will the doctor choose a therapy option.
For example, a certain procedure for varicose veins may be effective, but it does not deal well with complications.
When the veins in the legs hurt, an accurate diagnosis is extremely important for proper treatment. Without them, the cause of the symptom cannot be eliminated.
However, once the diagnosis has been made, phlebologists often offer patients several treatment options at the same time:
- Miniflebectomy
- Endovascular laser coagulation
- Foam sclerotherapy
These methods are less traumatic - that is, they don't damage the skin or leave scars.
Now let's summarize.
What to do if the veins in the legs hurt
See your doctor right away.
Yes, some remedies and methods can relieve pain, but this is only a temporary measure. Sooner or later the disease needs treatment.
And it is better early, because in this case you will get rid of swollen veins before dangerous complications arise.
In addition, if the veins on the legs are very painful, then such a picture is not typical of varicose veins. Perhaps another pathology is responsible for the discomfort. The doctor will help identify them.
Which clinic should I go to?
Ultrasound diagnostics of blood vessels is now performed in many medical centers. However, it is best to choose a clinic with experienced doctors.